Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Traffic and Obama

Well, my morning started off really great - as I was still on a high from last night's U.S. election. But my happiness came crashing to a stop when I sat in traffic this morning (for TWO hours) trying to get to work. At any rate, I'm out of it now - but realize that I have a bad case of road rage - and I really need to buy a Hummer, so I can plow through all the ridiculous drivers.

ANYWHO... last night... thanks to D, L and N for a great evening! What a historic moment to witness. I've always been envious of my parents who have stories that start with, "I'll always remember where I was when..." - but I think that last night will definitely be one of the stories that I can tell to my children. A historic moment for America and the world. I hope that the momentum and promise will continue. I LOVED Obama's speech -- but I must admit, I was most excited about the prospect of a new FIRST PUPPY (hahaha!)... my money is on a Lab, Spaniel or Beagle. What do you think? :)

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